Ever wanted something so badly but were unable to grasp it?
My husband and I want to be parents with a passion. We met my junior year of high school and were together eight years before marrying in March 2010. We have both always agreed we want be parents. We started trying in summer 2012. I tracked my period so I knew when I was ovulating so find the 'ideal time' to conceive.
I might also mention that during this time, my husband pursued his dream of becoming a police officer. With that career change came off work/off hours. Not always easy when you are working with an ovulation calendar!
After a year of trying on our own, my GYN recommended me to seek further help with an RE (reproductive endocrinologist). An amazing fellow teacher at my school, who battled infertility as well, gave me the name of the doctor she and her husband used. That doctor had retired, but I found one of the doctors who had worked with him.
We began seeing the RE in August 2014, a crazy time of year for an elementary school teacher! My husband and I each went through many tests and took medicines to control our systems.
It was determined that IVF was the best route to pregnancy for me. My egg retrieval surgery was in November 2014. It was actually the day before my husband's sister's wedding, in which I was to be the matron of honor! I took a day of bed rest, but felt up for the wedding and just took it easy that day.
The doctor was able to retrieve 10 viable eggs for fertilization. Only 3 survived to freeze day. Instead of doing a fresh embryo transplant, we opted for a frozen because I had been on many, many meds and my body needed to regulate before another surgery.
Two embryos were implanted in my in January 2015. Then the dreaded two-week wait began. I continued to give myself medicine (progesterone ) to help my placenta and uterine lining develop.
Devastating news was delivered at the end of the two-week wait. My numbers were not high enough to indicate pregnancy. We only had ONE EMBRYO left!!
Our nurse/doctor asked if we wanted to continue immediately with another IVF or take some time off. Without much discussion, my husband and I chose to immediately continue IVF with our one remaining egg.
That one egg was implanted in late March 2015. After the two-week wait (that seems more like two months!), we got great news! My levels were high enough to support pregnancy. I went back twice more to see if my levels were doubling and they were! I still didn't believe it!! We went in for a sonogram to see if everything was developing properly and got to see they little guy/gal on the screen! We even heard the heartbeat, which made it way more real to me.
I am still nervous something terrible could happen, but I am having faith that this child is meant for us.