Friday, July 31, 2015

20 Week Update

Officially Halfway There!

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain? 10 lbs

Maternity clothes: Still mixing maternity clothes with my regular clothes. My daily uniform this summer has been yoga capris & tank tops. I have a feeling that going back to work is going to be a rude awakening to my routine & my wardrobe!

Stretch marks: still nope, using my sister's regimen to prevents them; need to keep this up as the big weight gains are now on the horizon 

Sleep: I wake up every night about 3:30 to use the bathroom and have to get resettled after that. I prefer sleeping on my right side & miss sleeping on my back so much!

Best moment this week: We found out Baby Brown is a BOY!! Plus, we got to keep it a secret for a couple days, so that was fun!

Worst moment this week: nothing

Miss anything: Eating whatever, whenever! I have to really think about if I NEED to be eating whatever the food is

Movement: I felt little bubble on my right side earlier this week! They were going over & over & over again! At my 20 week ultrasound, I found out my placenta attached in the front. This makes it harder to feel the movement/kicks right now. Once the little one gets stronger, I will feel the kicks better. 

Food cravings: still fruit!

Anything making you queasy or sick? The occasional headache is annoying, but no sickness. 

Have you started to show? Yep! The bump is growing daily. 

Gender prediction? IT'S A BOY!!

Belly button in or out? still in

Happy or moody most of the time? staying happy, trying to remember to take each moment at a time & enjoy being pregnant 

Looking forward to: telling everyone that Baby Brown is a boy!

Friday, July 24, 2015

19 Week Update

Almost Halfway There!!

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain? 8 lbs

Maternity clothes: I have just started mixing maternity clothes with my regular clothes. My daily uniform this summer has been yoga capris & tank tops.

Stretch marks: still nope, using my sister's regimen to prevents them  

Sleep: the actual sleeping is still good, but I am still very conscious of staying on my side

Best moment this week: A little mini vacay with our friends to Grand Lake; no big plans, but it was nice to just relax & do nothing!

Worst moment this week: nothing!

Miss anything: still sleeping on my back!

Movement: I am unsure if I have felt anything. I am wondering if I there have been movements that I just haven't recognized. 

Food cravings: fruit- grapes & apples

Anything making you queasy or sick? I have headaches which are not fun. I try to drink lots of water to prevent them & take Tylenol if they occur

Have you started to show? Yep! I, of course, think I am bigger than I really am but it's obvious there's a little babe in there

Gender prediction? I thought boy, now I have no inkling either way. We find out on Tuesday!

Belly button in or out? still in

Happy or moody most of the time? staying happy, trying to remember to take each moment at a time & enjoy being pregnant 

Looking forward to: finding out Baby Brown's gender!!

Next Appointments
-July 28 @ 10:30 to find out the sex

Monday, July 13, 2015

Announcing to the World!

We told our families & our Facebook friends the good news! 

The Fourth of July is Bret's favorite holiday. It must have something to do with getting to blow things up! He wanted to incorporate fireworks into our announcement to his family. We set off some fountain fireworks and held a sign saying, 'There's nothing more patriotic than growing a new American!'  His family loved the announcement and the evening was full of hugs & congrats. 

To make our Facebook announcement, we wanted to add some KU Jayhawk love. Our wonderful neighbor took many many photos of us on the KU campus to choose from for the announcement. Here are the two we chose to share. 

My announcement included the "We prayed for..." as I wanted to allude to our infertility struggle. I don't like that it is an issue swept under the rug in our world.

So happy to not be keeping secrets anymore!