How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain? 10 lbs
Maternity clothes: Still mixing maternity clothes with my regular clothes. My daily uniform this summer has been yoga capris & tank tops. I have a feeling that going back to work is going to be a rude awakening to my routine & my wardrobe!
Stretch marks: still nope, using my sister's regimen to prevents them; need to keep this up as the big weight gains are now on the horizon
Sleep: I wake up every night about 3:30 to use the bathroom and have to get resettled after that. I prefer sleeping on my right side & miss sleeping on my back so much!
Best moment this week: We found out Baby Brown is a BOY!! Plus, we got to keep it a secret for a couple days, so that was fun!
Worst moment this week: nothing
Miss anything: Eating whatever, whenever! I have to really think about if I NEED to be eating whatever the food is
Movement: I felt little bubble on my right side earlier this week! They were going over & over & over again! At my 20 week ultrasound, I found out my placenta attached in the front. This makes it harder to feel the movement/kicks right now. Once the little one gets stronger, I will feel the kicks better.
Food cravings: still fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick? The occasional headache is annoying, but no sickness.
Have you started to show? Yep! The bump is growing daily.
Gender prediction? IT'S A BOY!!
Belly button in or out? still in
Happy or moody most of the time? staying happy, trying to remember to take each moment at a time & enjoy being pregnant
Looking forward to: telling everyone that Baby Brown is a boy!