Two Month Doctor Appointment Update
Today was William's two month appointment. He weighs 11lb & 11oz (25%). He was measured at 23.5in long (60%). His head measured at 16in around (78%). William is healthy and progressing right along!
She listened to his heart and lungs, which are great. Will showed off his neck strength and his Dr said he won the two month neck award for being so strong. She was impressed with his legs as well.
I am continuing to breastfeed William, average 2.75-3 hours. I am trying to keep him on a 'Babywise' schedule. He is in bed at night by 8pm (feeding starts around 7pm), waking around 2am & 6:30am. We have been dealing with a 5am wake up for the past couple of days, which is not fun for this mama. Usually it happens if he wakes closer to midnight instead of 2am. During the day, he stays awake from 45-75min at a time & sleeps from 45-60min. His naps on his own are not very long. If I hold him for the whole nap or to finish his nap, he sleeps great! I have started instilling a new routine for naps: I get the room dim & his noise machine on, he's swaddled up, and I hold him for 5min (no bouncing, no rocking, I sing him songs or say prayers), then I put him in his crib. Most of the time he's upset when I lay him down and he cries himself to sleep (the most he has gone is 25min, with me listening on the other side of the door {or jumping in the shower to distract myself}). We are working on this as a routine for naps. This is instead of me rocking him to sleep for half an hour.
According to our doctor, what we need to be working on between now & his next appointment (4 month appointment)
-cuddles, love, and rocking :)
-reading to William each day
-focusing on objects within 12-18 inches of his face (he still sees only black/white, but colors should be developing in the next months)
-tummy time to strengthen neck muscles
-putting objects in front of him to practice grasping
Next Appt- April 20 @ 3:40pm