One year ago today, I had IVF surgery to implant an embryo. We all know that embryo today to be William. Bret nicknamed the embryo 'Nemo'. This was our second IVF surgery, the one in January (2015) with two embryos implanted was not successful.
We tried for almost three years to get pregnant before our IVF surgery, but to no avail. After talking with some close friends who also had difficulties getting pregnant, we turned to a reproductive endocrinologist (RE). Our RE and nurses were amazing and from day one we were told "You will be parents". I didn't believe them, as that is a big promise to make, especially after we had been trying for so long. But, after our March 31, 2015 surgery, we were parents as Nemo has implanted successfully. It would just take a month to confirm. With every blood test I took and sonogram that confirmed Nemo, we gained confidence in the thought of us being parents.
Now we have known Nemo/William for three months. Our little miracle has changed our lives in so many ways! We are incredibly lucky to be his parents.