Weight: 18-19 pounds
Length: 28.5 inches long/tall
Eating: Four feedings each day: 7/11/3/7:30 with solids & a slippy with water at 12:15pm & 6pm; We give William snacks as well: puffs, crackers, rice cakes, & cookies
Foods Will has tasted so far:
Fruits--> apple, avocado, banana, peas, mango, peach, plums, prunes, blueberry, & cantaloupe
Veggies--> sweet potato, acorn squash, green beans, carrots, peas, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, beets, white potatoes, & kale
Grains--> baby oatmeal, barley, rice, pasta, quinoa, multi-grain crackers, cheerios, & toast
Protein--> chicken, pork, beef, salmon, egg yolks, black beans
Dairy --> whole milk yogurt, colby jack cheese, cheddar cheese
Bedtime: Bedtime begins about 7:30pm and Will is usually out by 8:10pm. He is going down for about 10-11 hours at a time. Working to stretch that even farther out.
Naps: Will takes two naps a day, about 1.5 hours each. He doesn't take a good first nap at daycare, but his second nap is better (probably because he is exhausted). His weekend naps are better, less distraction in the room by himself. We are trying to drop the catnap in the evening after daycare.
Diapers: Fully into size 3 now
Clothes: 6-9mo and 9mo for clothing and 9mo for sleepers
Favorites: "Expensive" toys like empty cups, a coloring book, and the packaging for actual toys. He loves to toss toys around and follow them wherever they land. Bret gave him a soda bottle half-filled with water and Will loves to push it around the kitchen/dining room.
He has started to enjoy his teether toys more. He has one that is the shape of bbq ribs that he likes to chew on. Lots of drool is happening so maybe teeth are on the horizon?
William has a knack for finding and getting into anything we don't want him to find ;)
Dislikes: William still doesn't like being alone. We are trying to leave him to do some independent play time in his room. Or even to play by himself while we are cooking dinner.
Development: Will is a crawling machine! He can get pretty much anywhere he wants and fast. The only thing he isn't when he is crawling is quiet. He giggles or pounds on the ground as he moves around. He is now pulling himself up on anything & everything around him. He likes to balancing himself with his belly and go hands free for a couple of seconds. We have seen him cruise a few steps around our coffee table and while bracing against the wall. Low shelves & drawers are not safe from him anymore! William is also working on mastering the stairs.
We hear "mama" and "dada" a lot now. When we say "hi" or "hello" to Will, we get a response that sounds like his version of those words. His understanding of our words exceeds what he can currently say.
Looking Forward To: William & I are visiting California this month for his cousin Mila's 4th birthday and to visit the California family.