Ten Month Stats
Weight: 20 lbs.
Length: 29 in.
Eating: Four feedings each day: 7/11/3/7:30 with solids & a slippy with water at 8:30am, 12:15pm, & 6pm; We give William snacks as well: puffs, crackers, rice cakes, & cookies
When I make Will's food, I am blending it less and less or he has to chew more. Now that he has teeth coming in, this is less of a problem! We also give Will little bites of whatever we are eating for dinner.
Foods Will has eaten so far:
Fruits--> apple, avocado, banana (loves!), peas, mango, peach, plums, prunes, blueberry, cantaloupe
Veggies--> sweet potato, acorn squash, green beans (still hates!), carrots, peas, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, beets, white potatoes, kale
Grains--> baby oatmeal, barley, rice, pasta, quinoa, multi-grain crackers, cheerios, toast, tortillas
Protein--> chicken, pork, beef, salmon, egg yolks, black beans, sausage
Dairy --> whole milk yogurt, colby jack cheese, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese
Bedtime: Bedtime begins about 7:30pm and Will is usually out by 8:10pm. He is going down for about 11 hours at a time. Working to stretch that even farther out. Never thought I'd sleep more than 4 hours in a stretch for a bit at the beginning of this year and now I get about 7-8 hours a night! Well-rested mama!
Naps: When he is at home for the day on the weekends, Will takes two naps a day, about 1.5 hours each. He rarely takes a first nap at daycare, but his second nap is better (probably because he is exhausted). We are trying to drop the catnap in the evening after daycare, but sometimes he's so cranky because he's so tired.
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 9mo for clothing & sleepers
Favorites: William still loves his "expensive" toys (empty cups, a coloring book, and the packaging for actual toys). He loves to toss toys around and follow them wherever they land or roll. Any toys go directly into the mouth so he can see how much he can chew on them.
William likes to pull up on everything around him, he enjoys holding on with just one hand and looking around/back to see if anyone is watching. Like he's saying, "Hey look at me! See what I can do!"
Dislikes: William is getting better at independent play time in his room or while we are cooking dinner. Being contained is also something Will cannot stand. He doesn't like to be "stuck" in one place for too long (highchair, snuggles, any room, etc.)
Development: William has perfected his crawling ability and his now working on climbing stairs. He gets up them pretty well! He likes to open and close cabinets/drawers, slamming them is his favorite ;)
His understanding of our words exceeds what he can currently say, as it will be for a while. The letter sounds we have heard are: m, d, h, w, n, b (all with vowels following "baaaaaa")
When Will sees Bret or me come into the room, he rushes over and hugs or snuggles us quickly before moving back to his toys. It's pretty sweet :)
Looking Forward To: Seeing what he learns next! Planning his birthday party!