Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Today is Will's last first holiday! We are so very thankful for him. He's been such a blessing in our lives. I know it's cliche to say, but it's hard to remember what it was like before we had him (maybe more sleep-in weekends & easier shopping trips!). He makes us smile so much and helps us to look at the world in a different way. 

Enjoy the pictures, they are hilarious ;)

Earlier this month, Bret played this dancing turkey for Will. He was not a fan and crawled away, scared or mad. Today was the day to get his revenge!

First, I will eat your face!

Look, Mom & Dad, I've caught him! He's all mine now!!

You will feel the pain, little turkey!! (those eyes are so intense!)

Oh, you apologize? Okay, we can cuddle and be friends. Just no crazy dancing again!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Enjoying Fall

Before winter reared its chilly head this weekend, Bret & Will enjoyed a fall day in our front yard. William played in the grass & with leaves... then tried to eat them. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

William: 11 Months

11 Month Stats

Weight: 20-ish lbs
Length: 29in

Eating: Will nurses/bottles at 7/11/3/7:30 and gets solids at 8/12:15/6:00. We are done with purees! William is just eating table food now. He gets upset when we try to spoon feed him, he wants to do it all himself. Which only means that meal time is VERY MESSY ;) He starts his meals with toast or puffs so he can hold onto something while we try to feed him. 

Bedtime: Bedtime begins about 7:30pm and Will is usually out by 8:10pm. He is going down for about 11 hours at a time. 

Naps: When he is at home for the day on the weekends, Will takes two naps a day, about 1.5 hours each. He rarely takes a first nap at daycare, but his second nap is better (probably because he is exhausted). He hasn't been taking his catnap about 5pm either. He just powers through on weekdays without the catnap.

Diapers: size 3

Clothes: Will's 9mo clothes (especially sleepers) are getting pretty snug, but the 12mo are loose. We are in the inbetween stages of clothing. 

Favorites: Exploring everywhere is Will's favorite thing to do! He crawls quickly everywhere and climbs up on everything to figure out what he can see. We are constantly moving things further away from the edges of tables. He also loves to open cabinets and drawers (and slam them closed). He stretches himself to be as tall as possible to reach everything.

Dislikes: Will HATES being alone! He will play just fine on his own as long as someone is nearby & within eyesight. But he does not like when they leave him alone in the room to play.

Development: William is working on standing on his own for a long period of time. He has mastered the pull up on anything around him and now is letting go with both hands for 2-10 seconds. When he stands, he usually waves his hands around like, "wow! do you see this??" Then, he loses his balance and plops down on his booty. It's only a matter of time!

He has taken his first steps! One night when we were visiting Nana & Papa, he took 4 or 5 steps in a row. He is confident that he can walk, but then remembers that is isn't so great at it and goes back to crawling.

He has six teeth now, front two bottom & front four top. He is using them to bite and crunch his food.

Will now waves "bye-bye" when you say it to him. Usually it's delayed by about 5-10 seconds. He & I wave bye to Bret when he goes to work and Will usually starts waving when Bret is halfway down the street.

Looking Forward To:
-planning his first birthday party
-seeing extended family for Thanksgiving
-seeing Will walk more

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ornery at Daycare

William has made himself right at home at his daycare. He's only been there since August, but would think he had been there longer! He's also as ornery as ever ;)

Miss Alisa tells Bret or I at least once a week that William has been climbing on the play table. He times it just right as he does it when she is giving one of the other babies a bottle (so she can't get up and get him down). When she tells him "no", he looks over at her and smiles as big as he can manage. Alisa says William makes her laugh all day long, he is very sweet to the other kids (younger & older) and loves to snuggle when he's not busy being a crazy man.

He also LOVES food! I nurse William in the morning before dropping him off, but he eats 'real' food at their breakfast & lunch time. At lunch, he eats a big kid size portion of food almost every day. She gives him a baby portion and he will gobble that all down & want more. This may be a sign that Bret & I need to up our food budget in the coming years...


Just getting my toy....

nothing like spaghetti & zucchini to make a mess