Thursday, December 28, 2017

Birthday Donations

We delivered the donations received at William's birthday party to the Great Plains SPCA. William was excited to see the doggies (and maybe even the cats?) that the donations would be going to help. It was awesome to see how happy the staff was with the donations we delivered. So wonderful to spread kindness!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017

We had a couple of Christmas's this year! We got back from California just in time to celebrate Christmas at home. William understood what Christmas is a little more this year. He knew there were things in the boxes and bags under the tree and "helped" Bret and I open all of our presents along with ours. We were able to wake up on Christmas Day and have a family Christmas before heading to Topeka to see Bret's extended family. 

So thankful to get to see what Christmas is like through a child's eyes! Everything is so magical to William (not just at Christmas, but maybe more so right now). He makes us so happy!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

2nd Birthday!

Our lil' babe is now 2! He's changed so much in the last year and I can't wait to see what the future will bring us! He had a construction-themed party as he loves his trucks and is starting to attempt to say their names when we see them in books or out the car window.