Late Summer 2018 is dedicated to POTTY TRAINING
We introduced William to potty training with a Paw Patrol training toilet and used sticker charts with prizes to get him motivated. We did the three-day potty training where he was naked for the first day, undies on for the next two days. Pretty much, we didn't go anywhere for the weekend. Each time he filled in a row on his sticker chart, he got to pick from the prize bag. But what he really wanted was the MnM's he received as reward as well. He took to it very well! Playing up the part of him being a big kid and not needing diapers anymore helped. We packed up all the leftover diapers and gave them to a friend of mine for their kiddo. He is excited to wear undies with his favorite characters on them as well.
Wearing pull-ups for nap and night sleep still :)