Wednesday, January 2, 2019

William: 3 Year Dr Appt

3 Year Stats

Weight: 31.8 lb (usually between 32-33 lbs when we weigh him at home) (52%)
Length: 38.2 in (70%)

Eating: William is still a good eater! He eats what we eat for the most part, we usually don't have to make a special meal for him. His favorite food is hot dogs :) He eats more veggies at daycare than he will for us at home, but he's got peer pressure there. 

Naps: William is still rocking an afternoon nap each day. He eats lunch and then we have some quiet time & watch a show (Rescue Bots, Octonaughts, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol) before putting him down about 1:30/1:45pm. He sleeps about two hours, getting up about 4pm. He is quiet when he wakes up, so sometimes we don't know that he's awake and go into his room to find him playing in his bed.

Bedtime: No more crib! Bret took the front off the crib so now William has a big boy bed. William goes down for bed by 7:45pm. We read a few books, say our prayers, and sing some songs as he gets tucked in for sleep. During the week, William gets up about 7am and on weekends about 8am. His morning demeanor wavers, he is either up and ready to go or acts like he could sleep another hour. He takes after his mom and his dad, it seems.

Undies: No more diapers at this house! William wears size 3T undies all day & pull-ups for nap and nighttime. But he is getting better and better at waking up dry!

Clothes: William has switched over to 3T in shirts and pants. Some of his 3T pants are even a little short. He is apparently tall (not sure where he got that from!).

Favorites: William is always moving! If he can skip or run instead of walk, that's what he will choose. He has an amazing disposition and is a happy little guy. Now that he's big, he can play with the other big kids. He's getting better and better at his scooter & riding his tricycles. He is like his dad and wants to be outside as much as possible. I try to get him outside as much at the weather will allow.

Dislikes: William likes to be independent. He wants to be able to do everything on his own. When he needs help, Bret has taught him to try one more time. If he still can't do it, he tells us, "I tried, but I still need help." This has been working so far! Other times, he thinks he needs help to do something we know he can do. We tell him to try his best and usually he figures out a way to do it.

Development: He is definitely at or above where he should be in speech development. He went from saying just one or two words to speaking in 5 or 6 word sentences. We can understand 95% of what he says. When we don't know what he is saying or what he means with his words, he is very good to repeat himself or try to say it a different way. William has good coordination as well. He plays well and can stay focused when he is on his scooter or kicking a soccer ball. We have harped on him enough that he always holds our hands in parking lots & busy areas. When he colors with crayons or markers, he switches between his left and right hand so we aren't sure where he's at with that yet. Same with eating. I ask him to help me in doing his laundry. He puts his pants away in their drawer & finds matches with his socks. Trying to train him!

Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to seeing how William's speech development and recognizing letters. He is getting better at knowing his capital letters and sometimes even the sounds they make. Bret and I have discussed starting PreK next fall.

Dr. Appt: Clean bill of health and development from Dr. Nash! He has his sensitive skin & need to be sure to put sensitive lotion on him nightly. No shots at this appt besides his flu shot.

According to our doctor, what we need to be working on between now & his next appointment (3 year appointment): 
-Have conversations and explain things to William wherever we are (at home, in the car, at store)
-Reading books (done!)
-Exploring his environment
-Practice gross and fine motor skills
-Reward good behavior & discourage bad behavior (redirection or brief timeout suggested)
-Offering choices to William so he can practice making decisions instead of just telling him how it's going to be
-Brushing teeth (should have first dentist visit soon)

showing off his muscles

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Goals

2019 Goals

-Focus on being present in the moment & not being distracted by social media/phones or tv; spending quality time as a family

-Pile up money to purchase a new car for me (thankful for family to borrow cars in the meantime)
-Build back our emergency fund; we used a big chunk of the EF to make a larger down payment on our new home
-Start throwing more money toward our mortgage balance to knock some years off & interest total
-Use money wisely, thinking about purchases instead of making them with a "just because" attitude; Thought: Will this item make us happier? Will I still be happy I bought this item in six months? Could the money be better used elsewhere?

-Erin: continue to be the best teacher I can be, but having a good work/home balance as well
-Bret: continue to be a leader and example on the deputy team he works (9Side); adjust sleep schedule to new working schedule to maximize time with family