Friday, December 27, 2013

Police Academy Graduation

Time as flown since August! Bret began academy on August 5th and graduated on December 20th. He is now a county officer. There were 18 graduates all together, 5 others besides Bret are now county officers. I am so proud of the dedication he has shown to become a police officer. He has talked about being a police officer since we were teenagers.

Life as a police wife has just started, but I know he and I have a strong foundation. When he begins his normal hours, we will have to adjust our together time so that we remain strong.
The hubs and me after graduation
Awesome cake, huh?!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Family Christmas

It snowed in Kansas! This is our house a couple days before Christmas.

My parents are in California with my sister, brother-in-law, & niece. I miss them a lot, but have been making the best of it by spending time with Bret's family.
with Bret's sister, her fiance, and mother's parents
one of my favorite gifts!
one of his favorite gifts: range bag
new ornament for the tree!
Merry Christmas
somewhat gag gift from sister-in-law, but it fits perfectly with my fish themed classroom!
Bret and I also visited my grandma in her retirement home. They had a family Christmas celebration. I brought along some of the props I used with my students. She loved them!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Make a Felt Christmas Tree!

I got this great idea from Magnolia Creative to make a felt tree for my sweet niece, Mila. Here is my end product:
I bought 3/4 yard of green felt for the tree and plenty left over that I gave it too a friend to make her own tree. I folded the felt over and used a sharpie to outline the tree.
Next, I made some ornaments and gifts for the tree.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Goals Update: December

My husband and I took time to make goals for ourselves for 2013. We tried to be specific and will hold ourselves to these goals. After three months, we have begun 11 out of the 13 goals, with 5 fully accomplished!
  1. Plan a vacation for just the two of us. Save to pay for it up front! - no plans made yet, but savings are building
  2. Pay off 100% of student loans!
  3. Save and buy a "new" vehicle - $5,785.40 saved as of December 1, 2013
  4. Save 100% of emergency fund!
  5. Get basement and garage ORGANIZED!
  6. Floor the attic (more storage) - still haven't thought about this at all, too far down on the list to do anything -- thinking this might not be accomplished this year...
  7. Bret to purchase the firearm of his choice
  8. Organize a Legacy Drawer  - About 90% completed! Still need to write legacy letters & think of funeral plan
  9. Make wills for each of us
  10. Build a 72-Hour emergency kit (here and here) --> haven't even started this, slackers! I'd like to start this before school starts in August
  11. Be intentional about finding opportunities to give to others --> I have tried to find opportunities for random acts of kindness
  12. Plan our meals by the week - so far, so good! We do this on Sunday night for the following week
  13. Keep communication open and loving between us --> We have been trying to pray together at least once a day