Monday, June 13, 2016

Introducing Solids!

Will had his first taste of solids (avocado) on Monday. And, to say the least, he was unimpressed. Will had avocado for lunch and again for dinner. Dinner went much better than lunch. Bret gave Will the spoon so he could have a little more control and more avocado was eaten since he was distracted by the spoon. More was eaten than I thought would be, I think Will was more unsure of the texture/consistency than the taste. He's only ever had breastmilk/formula so avocado is very different! Bathtime followed solids, for sure!

I found this plan in one of the baby food books I read. It suggests giving solids in addition to his normal feedings. At this point and until he's about one year, he is still getting his major nutrients from breastmilk & formula. We need to make sure his stomach settles from his liquid feedings before offering food. We are focusing on offering solids at lunch and dinner for now.

Here's the plan for what we will introduce:


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, William. Maybe your aunt will come over for meals. She probably needs to introduce some of these veggies into her diet!
