Friday, December 27, 2013

Police Academy Graduation

Time as flown since August! Bret began academy on August 5th and graduated on December 20th. He is now a county officer. There were 18 graduates all together, 5 others besides Bret are now county officers. I am so proud of the dedication he has shown to become a police officer. He has talked about being a police officer since we were teenagers.

Life as a police wife has just started, but I know he and I have a strong foundation. When he begins his normal hours, we will have to adjust our together time so that we remain strong.
The hubs and me after graduation
Awesome cake, huh?!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Family Christmas

It snowed in Kansas! This is our house a couple days before Christmas.

My parents are in California with my sister, brother-in-law, & niece. I miss them a lot, but have been making the best of it by spending time with Bret's family.
with Bret's sister, her fiance, and mother's parents
one of my favorite gifts!
one of his favorite gifts: range bag
new ornament for the tree!
Merry Christmas
somewhat gag gift from sister-in-law, but it fits perfectly with my fish themed classroom!
Bret and I also visited my grandma in her retirement home. They had a family Christmas celebration. I brought along some of the props I used with my students. She loved them!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Make a Felt Christmas Tree!

I got this great idea from Magnolia Creative to make a felt tree for my sweet niece, Mila. Here is my end product:
I bought 3/4 yard of green felt for the tree and plenty left over that I gave it too a friend to make her own tree. I folded the felt over and used a sharpie to outline the tree.
Next, I made some ornaments and gifts for the tree.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Goals Update: December

My husband and I took time to make goals for ourselves for 2013. We tried to be specific and will hold ourselves to these goals. After three months, we have begun 11 out of the 13 goals, with 5 fully accomplished!
  1. Plan a vacation for just the two of us. Save to pay for it up front! - no plans made yet, but savings are building
  2. Pay off 100% of student loans!
  3. Save and buy a "new" vehicle - $5,785.40 saved as of December 1, 2013
  4. Save 100% of emergency fund!
  5. Get basement and garage ORGANIZED!
  6. Floor the attic (more storage) - still haven't thought about this at all, too far down on the list to do anything -- thinking this might not be accomplished this year...
  7. Bret to purchase the firearm of his choice
  8. Organize a Legacy Drawer  - About 90% completed! Still need to write legacy letters & think of funeral plan
  9. Make wills for each of us
  10. Build a 72-Hour emergency kit (here and here) --> haven't even started this, slackers! I'd like to start this before school starts in August
  11. Be intentional about finding opportunities to give to others --> I have tried to find opportunities for random acts of kindness
  12. Plan our meals by the week - so far, so good! We do this on Sunday night for the following week
  13. Keep communication open and loving between us --> We have been trying to pray together at least once a day

Friday, November 8, 2013

Goals Update: November

My husband and I took time to make goals for ourselves for 2013. We tried to be specific and will hold ourselves to these goals. After three months, we have begun 11 out of the 13 goals, with 5 fully accomplished!

  1. Plan a vacation for just the two of us. Save to pay for it up front! - no plans made yet, but savings are building
  2. Pay off 100% of student loans!
  3. Save and buy a "new" vehicle - $3,784.50 saved as of June 30, 2013
  4. Save 100% of emergency fund!
  5. Get basement and garage ORGANIZED!
  6. Floor the attic (more storage) - still haven't thought about this at all, too far down on the list to do anything -- thinking this might not be accomplished this year...
  7. Bret to purchase the firearm of his choice
  8. Organize a Legacy Drawer  - About 90% completed! Still need to write legacy letters & think of funeral plan
  9. Make wills for each of us
  10. Build a 72-Hour emergency kit (here and here) --> haven't even started this, slackers! I'd like to start this before school starts in August
  11. Be intentional about finding opportunities to give to others --> I have tried to find opportunities for random acts of kindness
  12. Plan our meals by the week - so far, so good! We do this on Sunday night for the following week
  13. Keep communication open and loving between us --> We have been trying to pray together at least once a day

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Get Rugged! Rugged Maniac 2013

The husband and I, along with two of our good friends, ran the Rugged Maniac for the second year on Saturday. Lots of mud and lots of fun!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Goals Update: October

My husband and I took time to make goals for ourselves for 2013. We tried to be specific and will hold ourselves to these goals. After three months, we have begun 11 out of the 13 goals, with 5 fully accomplished!
  1. Plan a vacation for just the two of us. Save to pay for it up front! --> We have a little under $600 saved for this. No plans for vacation time off from work yet, but whenever/wherever we go, it's going to be great!
  2. Pay off 100% of student loans!
  3. Save and buy a "new" vehicle - $5,085.40 saved as of October 1, 2013
  4. Save 100% of emergency fund!
  5. Get basement and garage ORGANIZED!
  6. Floor the attic (more storage) - still haven't thought about this at all, too far down on the list to do anything -- thinking this might not be accomplished this year...
  7. Bret to purchase the firearm of his choice
  8. Organize a Legacy Drawer  - About 90% completed! Still need to write legacy letters & think of funeral plan
  9. Make wills for each of us
  10. Build a 72-Hour emergency kit (here and here) --> We are adding items a little bit at a time. Every time we go shopping, we try to pick up something so to add to our kits.
  11. Be intentional about finding opportunities to give to others
  12. Plan our meals by the week - We do this on Sunday night for the following week
    Loving that fall is here and it's soup/stew/chili season 100 Days of NO Processed Meals
  13. Keep communication open and loving between us --> We have been trying to pray together at least once a day

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cider Fest - Louisburg, KS

On Saturday, the hubby and I drove out to Louisburg, KS for the Louisburg Cider Festival. There were craft tents, a pumpkin patch, live music, homemade ice cream, and a corn maze. PLUS APPLE CIDER DONUTS!! We stood in line for about twenty minutes to get into the store to purchase donuts; see the picture below of the line! We also got two jugs of apple cider to enjoy.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Goals Update: September

My husband and I took time to make goals for ourselves for 2013. We tried to be specific and will hold ourselves to these goals. After three months, we have begun 11 out of the 13 goals, with 5 fully accomplished!
  1. Plan a vacation for just the two of us. Save to pay for it up front! - Savings are building; but with husband's new job, there won't be any time off soon
  2. Pay off 100% of student loans!
  3. Save and buy a "new" vehicle - $4,284.50 saved as of August 30, 2013
  4. Save 100% of emergency fund!
  5. Get basement and garage ORGANIZED!
  6. Floor the attic (more storage) - still haven't thought about this at all, too far down on the list to do anything -- thinking this might not be accomplished this year...
  7. Bret to purchase the firearm of his choice
  8. Organize a Legacy Drawer  - About 90% completed! Still need to write legacy letters & think of funeral plan
  9. Make wills for each of us
  10. Build a 72-Hour emergency kit (here and here) --> We have a few items in our emergency packs now :)
  11. Be intentional about finding opportunities to give to others --> I have tried to find opportunities for random acts of kindness
  12. Plan our meals by the week - so far, so good! We do this on Sunday night for the following week
  13. Keep communication open and loving between us --> We have been trying to pray together at least once a day

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Crazy Busy!

School is back in session and life has gotten hectic! I am usually at work for about 10 hours each day, making sure lessons plans are made and materials are ready to go. That means getting home about 6 and whipping something up for dinner. Then, finally, some relaxing time. Sometimes, it means more planning and/or grading while the tv is on.

The husband has started is new set of classes for police academy. He has to be there at 7am and is off at 4pm. Early day for him, but he's off in the late afternoon. He likes that part, been able to work in the garden more and make sure his yard looks nice. But the mornings aren't any fun for him!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

County Fair is in Town!

This week, the county fair is in our town. Talk about (mostly) free entertainment! My husband and I have been down to the fair a few time this week. We even entered some items into the open judging (non-4H). We got ribbons for our items!
 Remember this bag from when we visited my grandma's house? It got Grand Champion!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


My birthday was Tuesday, August 6th! I turned 28 this year and had a pretty good day. My parents are out of town visiting my sister and my husband was at work, so my day didn't start out too exciting. I went on my summer morning walk that I've been trying to do three times a week before school starts. I FaceTimed with my mom and niece to open my cards. I got a Beauty Brands gift card from my parents. The next day, I went for a pedicure, brow wax, and haircut before school starts on Friday (teachers only til next Wednesday).

My husband and I went to dinner with his parents to celebrate. Here is the hubby and I with my birthday cookie cake! I love cookie cake more than regular, "real" cake.

I used my birthday gift money to shop for new school clothes. I shopped Target's clearance so that I could get more bang for my bucks! As summer is winding down, I was able to get two pair of sandals for less than $20, a dress for $18, and a skirt for $17. I am excited to show off my new items of to my colleagues!