Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

William and I took a day to make some holiday crafts during our days stuck inside from the cold & snow. For each grandparents, William printed his hands:

William got his feet messy with our family Valentines. We sent these to his grandparents & aunts and uncles. He thought it was so funny to make his footprint into a truck!

Next up, making Valentines for his friends at daycare & in our neighborhood. He switched between his left and right hands for helping write his Valentines. I did hand-over-hand to help him write the names on his Valentines, but let him attempt his "W"s by himself. We practiced on other paper the "down, up, down, up" motion. Thank goodness for an easy first letter! He loved doing this for himself, as you can see with his cheesy smile :)

So proud he wrote his own "W"!!