Saturday, January 16, 2016

William: One Month

Month Stats

Weight: approx. 8.5lbs
Length: 21.5in

Eating: We are working on getting on a 3-hour eating schedule during the day with cluster feeds before bed. These should fill you belly so you sleep longer stretches, but that hasn't happened yet. You tend to fall asleep nursing in the evening so I have to do my best to keep you awake while you eat. You are waking up 2-3 times during the night to nurse (usually at 10:30/11pm, 1/2am, and 4/5am). 

Bedtime: We start you bedtime routine about 7pm each night. You are changed, lotioned, snuggled, and nursed. You are down for the count about 7:45pm. At this point, that means mama goes am to bed about 8:15pm to be sure to get some sleep :/

Naps: Your first three weeks were filled with wonderful newborn naps! You would sleep and sleep and sleep. But now that you are a big month-old man, you think naps are for babies. At your still young age, you should only be awake about 45-70 minutes at a time. We see you yawn and get fussy indicating that it's nap time, but you put up your best fight once you are swaddled and snuggled. Right now you think every time it's time to sleep, you should get to eat, not the case, little one! Currently, you want to start each nap on someone's chest and get mad when you are put down to sleep on your own. 

Side note- You like your paci, but cannot keep it in your mouth once you fall asleep, which then wakes you up ;)

Diapers: Still rockin the newborn size!

Clothes: You are inbetween sizes right now. You have finally started to get stretched in your newborn clothes! The 0-3months onesies are a little baggie on you. 

Favorites: You LOVE sleeping on people, there's nothing better for you right now. Too bad we'd like you to sleep on you own. We will get there, just enjoying the snuggles we get while you are still so little! 

Dad's factors still your toots! He can't help but laugh at them every time he hears one. Unless he's changing you while you toot, then he gets nervous you are going to douse him!

Development: You are so much more alert all the time now. You are always watching what is happening around you (maybe that's why you don't want to nap, afraid you are going to miss out!). You track movement with you eyes and turn toward sounds/noises. Lights seem to be mesmerizing to you, you will crane your next to see the nearest light. Speaking of your beck, you can hold your head up so well! Tummy time is not your favorite, but you also practice when you are laying on someone's chest (before you fall asleep). Your legs pack a powerful kick as well! 

Noteworthy: Dad is going back to work this week. We have both been SO VERY lucky to have him home for so long, but it's going to be an adjustment to having just you and me. Dad's schedule will be off for a little bit while he does his training. You & I may not get to see him very much with our early bedtimes, but we can have some morning family time. 

I have about two and a half months until I go back to work. I am trying to focus on being in the here & now and not get over-planned and think about the future too much (I tend to do this...). I am trying to put my phone now or stop being distracted by other things and soak up all the little moments I get to have with you (even if they are at 3am!). You are only this little once!! I know time is going to fly by. 

We are so grateful to be your parents. Both dad & I stop each other often and say, "Can you believe it? We are parents, he is our son!" You are so loved!

(not sure what is happening)

(family donut run)

(your favorite place: snuggled on someone's chest)

(baby burrito swaddle)

(eleven days makes a big difference!)

(first bath!!)

(working on grabbing at objects)

(you look great in camo!)

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