Saturday, April 2, 2016

Back to Work

My maternity leave ended March 30.  Ughhhhh, I did not want to go back. I could not imagine being a stay at home mama (I think I would miss adult interaction too much) and I think that being a working mama is good for me and good for Will. But none of this made going back to work any easier! I was begrudgingly counting down the days until I had to go back. I chose to go back on a Wednesday so that I didn't have quite so many days to 'get through' before having a weekend back with my darling. I am so very glad I did this!

Bret and I are blessed in that our family is able to care for Will for April and May until I am out for summer break. His dad is taking three days a week and my mom is taking two. We really cannot thank them enough for watching our baby. It was easier going back to work knowing he is being cared for by family who loves him just as much as we do!

Just leaving the house the first day was pretty difficult. Bret's dad was on Will-duty that day and I think I cried three or four times before leaving out house! I knew Will would be fine, but it would be the LONGEST time for us to be away from each other. We had only previously spent 4 hours away from each other and this would be closer to NINE!!! I was a mess! I tried to stay focused once I got to school, but another teacher asked me how I was doing and I immediately was a basketcase. My sweet best teacher friends left me a welcome back basket and sweet card (knew not to read it until the end of the day for fear of more tears!).

That first day was a whirlwind! I have 23 students in my class and each of them provided a welcome distraction from thinking about what William was doing at home without me. I was bombarded with sweet hugs and 'welcome back's from my third graders and the fourth graders across the hallway. They asked about William and me and Bret which was sweet. I was so happy to be back in the classroom. I definitely feel like I am a whole person again (a mama and a teacher). You better believe I raced home that day and got as many baby snuggles as possible!!

Pumping at work was (and will probably continue to be) an adjustment. I would like to breastfeed as long as the milk is acomin', so I needed to find coverage for my classroom during the times I would need to pump. I requested of my principal to have coverage around 10am and 1pm as those are William's nursing times. After a bit of juggling and finding support, my classroom is covered for me and I am able to pump at school. I'm hoping to keep this up so I can provide as much milk as possible for Will while I am working.

I know it will take me a while to find a balance between work and home. It will probably get easier for me just as summer is starting and I can stay home again. Then I will get to do it all over again in August, saying bye to my (by then) 8 month old.

Baby snuggles!!!

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