Thursday, April 21, 2016

William: 4 months

Month Stats

Weight: 13.5lbs
Length: 23in

Eating: William is a rock star at both nursing and taking a bottle! He switches back and forth between the two easily and will take a bottle from anyone offering him food. I'm thinking he's going to be a non-picky eater ;) When he sees the bottle coming close, he opens his mouth like a baby bird wanting a worm. And most of the time he's mad when the bottle is empty, his stomach seems to be a bottomless pit!

At his 4mo Dr's appt, Will's weight landed him in the 13th percentile, so he's a little guy (his length and head size are in the mid to upper percentiles). Because of this, and to help him be content/get better sleep, we have incorporated some formula into his feedings. Each bottle he takes with my mom and Bret's dad is breastmilk (usually about 3oz) and then topped up to 5oz with formula. We also added a 6pm 2-3oz bottle of formula each evening. Hoping this helps him pack the ounces/pounds! We've already seen it help with his sleeping!

Bedtime: We have hit the sweet spot of sleeping!! William starts going down to sleep between 7:20 & 7:40pm and is sleep IN HIS CRIB (!!!) by 8:15pm. I dreamfeed him about 10:45pm and he sleeps until 6:45/7am. Mama is LOVING all the sleep and it's wonderful not to have to worry about him throughout the night. He is now sleeping with both arms unswaddled and is doing great!

Naps: Naps seem to be getting better. I really think it's owed to the larger bottles he's taking. His belly is more full, so he can get better rest. According to his weekday watchers, his naps range from 50min to almost 2hours! 

Diapers: Still in size 1. This kid loves to poop and usually does it once a day (maybe that's why he is such a little guy!). Our Dr said he could go up to 5/6 days without pooping, which would scare me! William is pretty regular ;)

Clothes: We are stretching out the last of the 0-3mo outfits and are using all the 3mo outfits now. I think he's worn all of them, so that's good! He isn't upset when he's changed and sometimes thinks it's funny to have a shirt/onesie going over his head. 

Favorites: He loves his toys now! He plays mostly with his green grippy ball and his rattles. Each morning, he plays in his playgym to start his day and loves to kick and grab at the animals hanging down from it. He also is into his bouncer/jumper. He has his police car one and his activity one. 

Dislikes: Tummy time isn't always his most favorite time of day. Sometimes we can get a couple minutes in before he realizes what is happening and that he 'should be' upset about it. He doesn't fight naps like he used to, but he does enjoy a good cuddle if he wakes early from his nap. 

Development: William rolls well from his belly to back and continues to arch when on his back, but hasn't quite turned over. His arm keeps getting caught under him and preventing him from going all the way. 

His unswaddled sleep is great! The first couple naps, he was distracted by these crazy arms that could now move all over the place, but now he's used to them. I love when he sleeps with his hands up (touchdown-style) or tucked behind his head (sooooo relaxed). 

Will 'talks' a lot more and wants to tell you about his day and what going on with him. He gets so serious when he's talking that you can't help but really pay attention and try to understand him. He's so adamant about his conversation! 

We have also started giving Will a spoon to play with a couple times a day. We just want him to get used to what it is and how it feels for when we start solids. 

Looking Forward To: There are less than 20 days of school left! 

Sometimes toys can be overwhelming:


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