Tuesday, May 17, 2016

William: 5 months

5 Month Stats

Weight: roughly 15lbs
Length: 25in

Eating: Still chugging away at breastfeeding! The breasteding going well, but pumping is starting to get annoying. Good thing summer is literally days away and I won't have to do that as much since I will be home with Will. His eating schedule is now stretched to 3.5 hours (may try to stretch to closer to 4 hours once I am home for summer). No solids yet, we will probably wait til June. But I am reading some books about baby food!

Bedtime: We are attempting to break Will of his swaddle. He's been arms out for a bit, but now we are freeing the feet at well. Never knew how exciting it is to have your feet free!! ;) It allows him to turn/pivot more and even roll over to his belly which is new for him. He will be sleeping on his back, but wake up on his belly which startles/upsets him. I'm sure eventually he will enjoy belly sleep, but it wakes him up right now. We have started giving him his paci and covering him with a light blanket for sleep (nighttime and naps). He is sleeping from 8p-6:45/7a (with a 10:45p dreamfeed). 

Naps: Pretty much the same as nighttime sleep. His naps are getting a bit longer and he doesn't need held as often. Except now without the swaddle, he wakes easier and needs settled. 

Diapers: still size 1, but think we are moving to size 2 soon

Clothes: I packed away all his 0-3month clothes. He's wearing 3mo & 3-6mo clothes right now. 

Favorites: Being held is #1 on William's list of favorite things in life. He is okay for a little while not being held, but if there is someone in the room that is available to hold him, they better be getting over to him. And it doesn't matter if you are making dinner or even putting his bottles together, he wants to be held right then and there! I've been told I was just like that!! ;)

Will also likes his police car and activity jumper. The police car helps him move around the kitchen/dining room area. Being mobile on his own is something novel to him. The activity jumper lets him strengthen his legs and jump as much as he wants to. Plus, there are little toys on there to figure out.

Dislikes: Being 'stuck' on his belly once he's rolled over. He tell him to rescue himself since he knows how. 

Development: Will can roll over both ways now! He sometimes forgets that he can do this, though, and gets mad that he's put himself in tummy time. Give him a little nudge and he's good to go back on his back. Each morning, he starts him day on his playmat/playgym. He bats at the hanging toys and practices his pivoting and rolling skills. We put him on the open carpet with toys around him to make him reach for his toys and roll to get them. Just in the past couple days has William started grabbing onto his feet and holding them/ checking them out.

As for weight, the extra 6pm 3oz bottle and upping him daytime bottles to 5oz have helped in adding some extra rolls onto Will's legs and filling out his belly & cheeks. I hope my nursing can keep up with his new appetite! But I have plenty of milk in the freezer to supplement if the little guy is still hungry.

Will is also finding his voice right now. He is working on make sounds at all different volumes and pitches. Our favorite of his giggle! We haven't been able to capture it on video yet, but we hope to soon!! He normally only laughs at Bret and mostly when Bret is telling me about his day. Then Bret will try to be funny or make silly sounds and Will just stares at him (like, What are you doing?!). Bret goes back to the regular story and Will starts cracking up again!

He's looking towards loud sounds and we are trying to say his name as much as possible with him so he starts recognizing it as his own. He is still as alert (read: noisy) as can be and wants to know what everyone is doing around him at all times.

Looking Forward To: 
-completely no swaddle sleep success
-starting solids (or at least having a plan to start the solids)
-summer starting so we can spend more time together as a family

Next month, Will is HALF A YEAR old!!! How did that happen??

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