Thursday, June 16, 2016

Swimming Lessons

We started Swimming/Water introduction lessons for Will. He goes once a week for six weeks. We sing songs to make being in the water more comfortable and more like a game. No going under yet (class 3!), but we pour water over his head to start the class each time and get him used to having water run over his face/head/eyes. Bret and I take turns holding Will and doing the activities with him. He doesn't have quite as much control over his movements as the older kids in the class, but he gets the splashing & kicking down! So far he has "swam" on his belly and "floated" on his back. At the second class, we worked on holding onto the wall and moving down and back on it (this is tough for him as his grip isn't super developed at 6 months), then 'jumping' off the wall into dad's arms. Being in the water doesn't seem to bother him at all, he is just so interested in how we can all be in at the same time.

Night 2:

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