Thursday, March 17, 2016

First Flight

Will took his first flight yesterday (3/16/2016) from KC to Orange County, CA to visit his cousins. He decided it was okay if Bret & I tagged along as well ;)

I was pretty nervous about how it would go and how other passengers would react to a little one on the plane. I was hoping for a not-full flight so we might have an extra seat just for more room with him. No such luck for us, completely full flight (they were even asking people to give up their seats for a later flight). But we found middle & aisle seats next to a sweet older lady. Will turned on the charm and smiled at her so she was all his for the rest of the flight. Plus, she slept almost the whole time, so we weren't bothering her. 

As I had read and heard from other mamas, I nursed Will at takeoff to help with the quick altitude change/ears popping. It helped that it was his normal nursing time (and that he never turns down a meal!). He was a champ and fell asleep for the first hour or so of the flight. He woke up in the middle of the flight and got fussy, but never too loud. I think it was just sitting for so long. Before the flight, I thought we might have to pace the aisle with him, but it never came to that. Bret held him and he went back to sleep. I nursed again on the landing and he was great! Only had one wet diaper change and we just did it there on my lap instead of messing with getting to/from the plane bathroom. 

A couple people stopped us as we were deplaning and said he did a wonderful job and good for us! That made my heart smile. 

Hope the return flight on Monday is just as easy!

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