Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Little Things: 0-3 Months

Little things I don't want to forget:
-your smile when I wake you up in the morning (unless you wake up hangry)
-your squeals and complaining cries when you do tummy time 
-our conversations; you always have so much to talk about!
-the giggles you give me when we have conversations 
-how tiny your clothes are!
-how I can pick out your cry among other baby cries
-seeing you learn new things: reaching, grabbing, kicking, tracking, flexing your leg muscles
-you stick your tongue out when you're excited
-our late night/early morning milk dates
-how you stand (with assistance) on your flexed legs when you are angry or need attention 
-you always want someone to be with you, it's hard for you to be alone
-how, when some one puts their hand on you, you put your hand on top of theirs
-you are always watching everything and everyone around you
-you fight your evening snooze, but end up loving it and passing out
-when someone picks you up, you cuddle into their neck before putting your head up and looking from your new vantage point
-your cry that isn't really a cry, more of a "hey, no one is paying attention to me" sound
-your sleepy face when I have to wake you up, your lips are always puckered and it's adorable
-I don't think you have ever met someone you don't like and didn't smile at

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