Tuesday, March 22, 2016

First Vacation as a Family: California

We took our first vacation as a family of three this month! We jetted off to California to visit my sister & her family. The flights we took were both non-stop, 3 hour flights. I highly recommend the non-stop flights. We didn't have to deal with deplaning & reboarding multiple times. Our flights happened to sync perfectly with William's nursing schedule. He nursed during take off and landing, which helped with the air pressure as well as keeping him calm & usher him into sleep. He slept for almost the whole flight. The people around us (on both flights) complimented William as well as us for how amazing he was. They said he was perfect and he didn't make a peep. One person even said they didn't even know there was a baby behind them the whole flight. Score one for a great baby!

My sister Megan picked us up from the airport and we headed back to her house to get settled. All seven of us stayed in their home for our trip: Megan & Robert, their girls Mila & Nellie, Bret, William, and me. It was a house full of noise & fun for sure! My nieces were over the moon with William. Mila, 3.5y/o, wanted to be around him always and see what he was doing and pet him (brushing his cheek & patting his head). She would just stare at him while he nursed so she could see him stationary and she held his hand as much as she could. Mila wanted to 'help' wake Will up from his naps. She would go over to him and put her hand on his chest, saying "William, time to wake up!" in a singsongy voice. Nellie, 15months, was more intrigued with her cousin than the last time they were together (December 2015). She wanted to pat him and hug him. Megan & I monitored and reminded Nellie to give gentle pats and touches. They were adorable with him. 

March Madness began while we were in California, so the tv was constantly on basketball. William got some sneaks of tv while we were keeping updated on all the games that were on. Being loyal Jayhawk fans, we watched their games (both victories!) and celebrated moving onto the Sweet Sixteen round. 

It wouldn't be a trip to California without going to the beach & ocean. Will sported his vacation shirt to the Huntington Beach Pier. We looked out at the ocean, but didn't venture out to it. Bret put Will's tootsies in the sand. He tried to grip the sand with his toes, but that didn't work so well ;)

We didn't have a lot of big plans while we were in California, but that was a perfectly relaxing trip. My sister took over William duty while we were there and even kept Will in their room at night so Bret & I could get some rest (noisy baby!). We can't wait to get back to California, wish it was closer!!

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