Thursday, March 17, 2016

William: Three Months

Three Month Stats

Weight: approximately 13lbs
Length: 21.5in

Eating: William is still breastfed only (will a bottle of BM here & there). His eating schedule is roughly 7/10/1/4/7:20 with one or two middle of the night feelings. Lately, it's more one middle of the night feeding, which is nice for mama to get sleep! He eats for 15-20min during the day, with a longer feeding at bedtime. 

Bedtime: we have pushed his bedtime back to 7:30ish instead of 7:00 as he was waking about 5:30am thinking he was up for the day (no thanks!). We will have to readdress this when I go back to work to see what is best for Will & me. 

Naps: We are still struggling with short naps. They are 45ish minutes, can be timed perfectly, just about. But we go in and have him lay on our chest to finish his nap. He is perfectly fine with this as he loves the snuggles

Diapers: size 1

Clothes: We are rockin' the 0-3month and 3month clothes. He is stretching the 0-3month to their max and I'm trying to make sure he has worn all of them!
Sidenote- One of the first grade teachers at my school gave me all of her son's 'old' clothes so we have lots in sizes 6-12months!

Favorites: Attention! William likes to be talked to and about. If you are holding him, but not talking to him, he becomes a grump ;)  He loves to smile at people and get them to smile back. He's such a people person/baby and loves to be in the middle of everything. Maybe that's way he doesn't like to nap....

Dislikes: Will is not a fan of sitting still for very long. If you are sitting with him while he wants to be moving around, he will let you know! He pushes off with his legs and "stands up" on anyone's lap. He also scoots himself around on his back with his legs. Working on the arm strength now!

Development: William has mastered putting his hands in his mouth. Bret discourages this as he "doesn't want a thumb sucker". His head control is pretty amazing. It's something that almost everyone who sees him comments on. He does tummy time two to three times a day. Once, he was doing tummy time & I was cleaning up his room, I looked over at him and he was on his back! He has rolled over!! I put him back on his belly thinking he would do it again, but he didn't. Guess he didn't want an audience to perform. He is tracking very well & watches people come in and out of the room. We are working on having 'conversations' with him, practicing taking turns talking/making noise at one another. He is such a smiley baby and loves to giggle & laugh while he 'talks'. He holds his green ball (see picture below) by himself and can wave it in the air (and fling it to the ground!). We are working on him holding a rattle. It is thicker so it's harder for Will to grip right now, but each time he's better and better!

Looking Forward To: Longer naps, when will those happen?? 

Nervous About: My return to work and missing Will like crazy! He will be in good hands (my mom & Bret's dad are sharing coverage watching him as Bret's schedule is still overnights). I hope I can pump enough milk for him and that he adjusts well. We can survive a month and a half apart! Then, summer!!

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